Thanks to Nina from Raymondforest, I found out many interesting things about the themesong of Lethal Weapons Of Love And Passion. This reminds me of the movie 'The Da Vinci Code'. I forgot what the technique Robert used was called, the one where you pick out letters from a messy group of words and then form a complete sentence. Yeah, you can do that to the LWOLAP themesong too, it is pretty cool...
Title: 出鞘 (the verb used to describe the sword coming out of the sheath)
Sung by: Raymond Lam
Series: Lethal weapons Of Love And Passion
重现世间无匹好兵器 一发招 覆雨惊天地
情和义 不忍舍弃 浮云共暴雨汹涌 变幻起
纵是渴望逍遥走我路抛去稀世的剑谱 要逐我梦竞令天震怒代价太高
风听我呼招 云亦替我护法破空中出鞘 用信心击退海啸伟大雄涛万世亦照耀
重现世间无匹好兵器一发招 覆雨惊天地
情和义 不忍舍弃红颜美梦话不尽 剑在飞
双手都可翻云覆雨后一旦所盼皆到手 畏惧他日称王称霸后没有对手
手 轻按刀上无奈各背负了那不变立场 尽了千杯了恩义既是男儿绝对未退让
重现世间无匹好兵器一发招 覆雨惊天地情和义 不忍舍弃仇人为什么变知己
1) Look at the black bolded words. Notice how many times the words "覆雨" appears? That is the name of the rain-ceasing sword, Raymond's sword...
2) Look at the two words in light blue, they make up to sound like "梦瑶", which is Charmaine's name in the series. (Djfrostbite: AND notice where do this two characters appear? It appears in the line which says "Wishing to put down my sword to live my way, want to pursue my dream but the price is too high". The 'dream' refers to Raymond's dream to be with Charmaine...)
3) Look at the green words 风and 云。 Aren't those Raymond and Sonjia's names?
4) This line "纵是渴望逍遥走我路抛去稀世的剑谱 要逐我梦竞令天震怒代价太高 " best describes the inner heart of Fung Hang Lit.
5) This line "手 轻按刀上 无奈各背负了那不变立场 尽了千杯了恩义 既是男儿绝对未退让" best describes the relationship between Fung Hang Lit and Hon Pak. Translation: "Put your hand softly on the knife, unfortunately we have a stand which can never change. After a thousand toasts of wine, being heroes, will not give in"
Djfrostbite's personal favourite lines:
1) The last line 仇人为什么变知己 Meaning=enemies to best friends. In the series: Pong Ban and Fung Hang Lit
2) 浮云共暴雨汹涌 变幻起 Meaning: Floating cloud plus stormy rain surging, drastic changes occur. In the series: cloud represents Bosco's blade, rain represents Raymond's sword. They meet and fight together, to see who gets the throne. Very nicely phrased line (:
3) 纵是渴望逍遥走我路抛去稀世的剑谱 No need to explain more (:
4) 情和义 不忍舍弃红颜美梦话不尽 Meaning: Love and righteousness, can't bear to give up. Dreams about my woman, can't describe
ooo It's cool to realise that the lyrics of this song was tailor-made for the story of LWOLAP, and for Raymond's character. I hope my translations weren't too horrid!
Download here:
http://download.yousendit.com/79F6F9D20562F9B2 (Full version)
http://download.yousendit.com/E52D52855D50D60E (TV Version- somehow i find this version nicer)
1 comment:
this is reallie clever! i would never have known! lolx. anywayz, think u can get the Face to Fate subthemesong? by Frankie and Tavia? =P
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