Saturday, September 09, 2006

Face To Fate- Episode 8

After many days of delay (very sorry!) , I can finally post up more FTF screen captures. Anyway, I couldn't really find any worth capturing moments in episode 8 except the Ray-Selena scenes. (Omg, the part about Bak Ching Xu and Kong Bik Ling's love story was really lousy!)

"I will not forget to show you my gratitude. Tonight, when you go back to your room, you will understand..."
I love how Selena plays with thing on Raymond's hair, hehe ~.~

The surprise turns out to be nothing more than a sewn sleeve (That guy who wanted to stab Raymond made the hole)
Raymond: (to Selena) Your husband is leaving
(to Siu San) Your father is leaving
Hehe ~.~
Anyway, I find Chan San Chung's character quite a nice guy
A random handsome picture of Raymond. He is going to kill Frankie, oh no...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love how selena played with ray's hair too..=D and its so funny how ray said that"your husband is leaving" and "your dad's leaving"

I'll be there with you, cuz you are my friend...

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