After 3 episodes, I am loving this series a lot. But I am watching tbol too slowly. I am too busy nowadays, shall try to catch up more during the weekends... Hope to come back with more updates! Can't wait to see what the story brews into! Every character seems interesting.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The Brink Of Law- episode 3

I just cannot stop ranting about how pretty Bernice is. I love her hair, her clothes, her watch, her figure...
Horrible, horrible character. Why did she delete the sms? Why did Steven even bother to appologise to her? KICK HER OUT OF THE HOUSE!
Eye candy~ (Look at Shirley, so pretty! So envious...)
Cute Ron... A Zhun, I love A Zhun...
The Brink Of Law- episode 2
Very very sorry for the lack of updates! Let's just say, ever since school started, life have been moving at an amazingly fast pace, which to me, is quite a good thing, because I like my life now a lot more. Hehe...
Ok enough about my life, I finally did screencaptures for the next episode of TBOL, enjoy!
Kenneth and 'dogdogdog' aka '999'. Haha, really cute!
Yoyo Chan, horrible sister
Ten years ago....
Bernice's first appearance. She is SO pretty! I love everything she wears!
Steven's dad: 'When someone sends you letters and you don't receive them, there are a few possibilities. Firstly, the address is wrong, secondly, the letter got lost, or maybe, no one sent any letters at all, she just said it out of politeness'. Aha! That is so true!
Kenneth and Bernice reunites since ITA
Ok enough about my life, I finally did screencaptures for the next episode of TBOL, enjoy!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
The Brink Of Law- episode 1
whoo, finally I watched the first episode of the series. It is way too soon to make any judgement at all, but the story does seem very interesting. So far, I am liking Ron's look and character already. He is so charming, I can't wait to see what becomes of him later on! These captures are made by myself. Please credit me if you are going to post them anywhere else.
Gosh, Bernice and Shirley look totally gorgeous

Kenneth Ma plays the senior inspector like in ITA, but not so shy anymore, pretty cool
Steven lectures his father about illegal gambling
Steven is interviewing for a job as a prosecuter. What he said is pretty enlightening

First acquaintance between Kate and Ron.
In LFD, Kate and Kenneth were lovers. Now, they are siblings. I think they are much cuter as siblings. Kate is a very naggy sister. "Herbal tea + football match", hehe, that is so cute.
Steven was annoyed by Kate and Kenneth's bickering. His expression is so funny...
oo, cool specs!
Episode 1 ended off with a little surprise, that Michelle Yim is no simple woman at all...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Curse Of A Golden Flower

In case you didn't know, I am a fan of Jay Chou, a fan of his talents, not so much a fan of his personality. Because of that, I did not want to miss the chance to watch him act, and so, I decided to watch this movie. As a result, I completely regretted it...
Let's just say, this is the best movie to waste your time. The whole story is totally pointless! Everyone is crazy. They want their own family to be dead. The whole screen is SO golden that it isn't nice anymore. The fighting look stupid. Basically, I almost can't find ONE good thing about this movie. Why did I ever want to watch it? Why do people even LIKE it? Why do the producers want to make it?
I have been crazy over the song 'Chrysanthemum Bed' by Jay Chou for the past months. Within two hours, I don't want to listen to that song anymore... In case you are not aware, u can hear this song on my blog, somewhere on the sidebar. I promise, very soon, I am going to change the song. *shrug*
Ok, back to the TVB world, where have I been the entire week? Basically, school life has been too hectic for me to update my blog as often as before. I have gotten the first two episodes of TBOL, and hopefully, I can start watching them soon, and flood my blog with cool screen captures. Yippie! Do stay tune!!!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
2007, open your eyes, look out for...
2006 was the year of the following people: Charmaine She, Kevin Cheng, Linda Chung, Kenny Wong. I don't have to explain why anymore. They were everywhere! So who will be the most strongly-featured star of this year?? Here is what I think...
The budding fadans:
Selena Lee
2 years ago, she was the 'Yoyo' in Just Love who cannot act, cannot cry, cannot yell. Today, she is becoming one of my favourite actress (in her generation at least). Every performance from her is a great surprise and great improvement. To me, she is already the most improved actress of 2006. But it is okay, because 2007 is a great year for her, and TVB will not stop promoting her (hopefully). She is in so many series, and her roles are getting bigger and bigger. The Seventh Day, On The First Beat, A Change Of Destiny, Face To Fate (which is airing next month), and Master Of Tai Chi. Speaking of MOTC, I have seen the long trailer of the series, which featured 2 seconds of Selena's performance. She was giving Kenneth Ma a tight slap. And because of that slap, plus Selena's teary face, I cannot wait to see her performance in that series!
Natalie Tong
Natalie is slowly moving away from the 'cute little sister' character. Her roles are getting bigger, and more and more variety. Life Art and The Seventh Day will be her representation for next year, especially TSD. Add oil!
Kate Tsui
Up till now, LFD is the only performance I have seen from her, so I don't want to comment too much on her acting skills. For some reason, I don't really like her face and her voice. But I still believe she has a bright future with TVB, because she is in TONS of series. The Price Of Greed, The Brink Of Law, Cadets On The Beat, The Whole City Dances, did I miss out any? Will she be the most improved actress of 2007? It is way too early to tell. But anyway, I still like Selena better.

By the way, anyone care to tell me the age of these actresses?
The Best Actor Showdown
Raymond Lam
Some 2 years ago, Raymond is already the best actor in my heart, because of one series- Twin Of Brothers. This year, Raymond is going to be one of the strongest contender, because he has SO MANY episodes waiting to air. Master Of Tai Chi, Heart Of Greed, The Drive of Life, and also New Breath Of Love, which should be released in Mainland/overseas soon. PLUS, Face to Fate will be airing next month. How many episodes is that in total? Oh my... Anyway, I was thinking, TVB must have decided to air FTF out of the blue for a reason... muahaha...
Steven Ma
The Brink Of Law, A Change Of Destiny, The Entire City Dances. 3 very different and seemingly very interesting series, no wonder Steven says he aims to win the favourite actor award this year. Steven is a very great actor, but so is Raymond, and many others. So who will it be? Steven, Raymond, or someone else who pops into the picture later on? I don't know. It all depends on who TVB wants to promote more. But for one thing, this year, prepare to see Raymond and Steven all over the place.
The budding fadans:
Selena Lee
2 years ago, she was the 'Yoyo' in Just Love who cannot act, cannot cry, cannot yell. Today, she is becoming one of my favourite actress (in her generation at least). Every performance from her is a great surprise and great improvement. To me, she is already the most improved actress of 2006. But it is okay, because 2007 is a great year for her, and TVB will not stop promoting her (hopefully). She is in so many series, and her roles are getting bigger and bigger. The Seventh Day, On The First Beat, A Change Of Destiny, Face To Fate (which is airing next month), and Master Of Tai Chi. Speaking of MOTC, I have seen the long trailer of the series, which featured 2 seconds of Selena's performance. She was giving Kenneth Ma a tight slap. And because of that slap, plus Selena's teary face, I cannot wait to see her performance in that series!
Natalie is slowly moving away from the 'cute little sister' character. Her roles are getting bigger, and more and more variety. Life Art and The Seventh Day will be her representation for next year, especially TSD. Add oil!

Up till now, LFD is the only performance I have seen from her, so I don't want to comment too much on her acting skills. For some reason, I don't really like her face and her voice. But I still believe she has a bright future with TVB, because she is in TONS of series. The Price Of Greed, The Brink Of Law, Cadets On The Beat, The Whole City Dances, did I miss out any? Will she be the most improved actress of 2007? It is way too early to tell. But anyway, I still like Selena better.

By the way, anyone care to tell me the age of these actresses?
The Best Actor Showdown
Raymond Lam
Some 2 years ago, Raymond is already the best actor in my heart, because of one series- Twin Of Brothers. This year, Raymond is going to be one of the strongest contender, because he has SO MANY episodes waiting to air. Master Of Tai Chi, Heart Of Greed, The Drive of Life, and also New Breath Of Love, which should be released in Mainland/overseas soon. PLUS, Face to Fate will be airing next month. How many episodes is that in total? Oh my... Anyway, I was thinking, TVB must have decided to air FTF out of the blue for a reason... muahaha...

The Brink Of Law, A Change Of Destiny, The Entire City Dances. 3 very different and seemingly very interesting series, no wonder Steven says he aims to win the favourite actor award this year. Steven is a very great actor, but so is Raymond, and many others. So who will it be? Steven, Raymond, or someone else who pops into the picture later on? I don't know. It all depends on who TVB wants to promote more. But for one thing, this year, prepare to see Raymond and Steven all over the place.

Monday, January 01, 2007
The Brink Of Law preview

I don't have to promote this series anymore. The poster looks awesome, the trailers look so exciting. Everyone is excited about this first series of 2007. I can't wait either!
The synopsis can be found here
Here are the trailers:
Trailer 1- Ron Ng
Trailer 2- Michelle Yim
Trailer 3: Steven Ma
Trailer 4: Shirley Yeung
(o.O all of a sudden Shirley Yeung doesn't seem like such a lousy villain. Will she be a convincing villain?)
Trailer 5: Bernice Liu and Kate Tsui
Trailer 6: general trailer
Trailer 7: full introduction

I am going to watch this series soon. Should I run an exclusive 'TBOL tidbits' section for this series? Yippie~
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