Saturday, July 29, 2006

Forbidden Love: War And Beauty

Title: 儿女

Series: War And Beauty (Main Theme)

Sung By: Bowie Lam


梦半醒 我方知这样寒冷 何谓爱 无非凄风苦雨间
流着血 红着眼 就算多转几个弯 明日纵酒醒 宿醉未散
寻常一对到头来 毫无乐趣 然而呼喊痛苦拉扯可是对
为何烧到猛火里 我都不介意伴随
话我知 这生醒了又再醉 问苍天 有几多快活儿女
我颤抖 你的嘴带热还冷 沉下去 沉于枕边黑发间
明是错 无力挽 让爱主宰这瞬间 何用理悲欢哭笑聚散

Why do I like it:

Personally, I do not like Bowie's voice. Hehe. But he did fine for this song, maybe because it suited him well. I like the unique tune, and also the wonderful mix of instruments. I love the chinese violin (known as the 'erhu') the best. Also, I love the line, ‘Why is it that even when the fire is burning to your door, I am still following you’. That is a wonderful line, which represents Bowie's love for Gigi very well. You can also take it the literal way, because Bowie and Gigi were burned to death together in the series. If you are not the ‘Chinese’ type, you might not like this song too much. But to me, I love this song to nuts.

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