Recently, I have watched the first 10 episodes of the series. Having heard many bad reviews, I watched this series half-heartedly. Very true, I was yawning thru the first 2-3 episodes of the series. But to my surprise, I soon started loving it. The story builds up very slowly, but very nicely. There is one word to describe this series- beauty. The beauty of the scenery, beauty of the costumes, beauty of the dialogues, and beauty of Tavia Yeung captivated me.
Not only Tavia's costumes, every other character's costumes, from supporting to main characters, from young to old characters, are all very pretty! Maybe it's because of all the fur, they give the costumes some sort of class.
Poetic Dialogues
Say the dialogues of Dance Of Passion are beautiful? Why not look at the dialogues of LOW. They are so poetic and beautiful! Sometimes you may not understand what they are talking about (for e.g. when Steven is reciting some ancient poem). This is when you look at the subtitles, and realise that the poems are actually quite meaningful.
The Characters
All the 4 main characters are so lovely in this series. Supporting characters like Stephen Wong and John Chiang are likeable too. Even minor characters like the old man who mentors the trainees and John Chiang's loyal servant are quite interesting to watch. The number one character i hate is Lau Dan's character, as well as his entire family...
Steven and Tavia
In terms of looks and characters, Steven and Tavia are really the PERFECT match for each other! Their story reminds me of the story of LITCOL, but theirs make me feel a lot sweeter. I already know they are not going to end up together, so I can only savour every single scene of theirs for now...
What will LOW become
From what I heard and read, the story is going to screw up big time later on. That will be really disappointing. Breaking Steven and Tavia up with a MISUNDERSTANDING is also one of the worst things to look forward to.
So what will Land Of Wealth become? Will i love it or hate it? I need to watch on to find out. But I will take pretty long because my channel only broadcasts 1 episode per day.
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