I way away during the past week, so I missed the hot news about Sammul's 'mystery betrayer'. Aha, this news is really interesting. Who would imagine that grown-ups men can be so bitchy as well??
If you want to know who I think 'betrayed' Sammul, the answer is--- I really do not know. Am I too stupid, or is human heart too difficult to see through?
I love the olympic 6 (mainly raymond, ron and Bosco). As the audience, what I appreciate is their talents, their style, and the productions they star in. Their personality isn't that important after all. Nevertheless, to all the backstabbers in the world, (including THE guy lurking in the tvb studios right now) leave the innocent ones alone, can't you? Good luck to you, I hope you find something more worthy to do in your life. =p
P.S.: Who do I suspect?
Clue: The one who can topple the 'stairway to stardom' (easy to guess, right? I might be very wrong though. It is really just a random guess)
whats this about?? theres a backstabber?? about what??
According to Sammul Chan, he was once betrayed by one of the guys in the olympic six. They used to be very good friends, until Sammul realised that he has been spreading bad things about him and all. Sammul also got quite emotional saying 'that person is very hypocrite', but he refuses to state who. Yeap...
oh wow! i wonder who it is.... i hope its not raymond....i wont believe that he would do such things..
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