Thursday, August 31, 2006

Face To Fate- Episode 4

A little flashback between Frankie and Anne

Poor guy, gets tortured by guilt and eventually kills himself

Frankie: When you want to find out the truth, have you ever thought that you yourself are another truth?

Tavia gets chased out of the 'flying fish' sect


Anonymous said...

Hey djfrostbite...

Sorry this has got nothing to do with Face to Fate, but I was reading your post regarding the Survivor's Law themesong... and I was wondering can you write the sheet music for the piano instrumental version of the song :)? Please? ^_^ Oh, and I vote for Ben+LingLing... heheheh....

Anonymous said...

Hello hkangel, what sort of sheet music do you want? The guitar chords? Or note by note on the 5-line grid...

Anonymous said...

djfrostbite, I was refering to piano sheet music (two hands, bass & treble know the standard piano score)... ^_^

frostbite said...

I see. Wow that would be very hard. People use the computure software "overture", and connect that computer to a digital keyboard to do that one. It's a little too tough for me, I can only do the chords stuff as I just have to type. Sorry hkangel ><

Anonymous said...

It's ok, djfrostbite, if it's too hard for you then don't worry about it! Very nice blog btw =)

frostbite said...

Thank you (: Episode 5 is up

I'll be there with you, cuz you are my friend...

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