Recently, I have watched the first 3 episodes of HOG, and true enough, I am not disappointed at all. I admit, I am (very) irritated with Moses' acting. Does his character really have act like that? I'm not so sure (more like 'no'). I also admit, some of the newcomers aren't doing so well (like Fala Chen). But it doesn't matter, I can wait for her to improve. The most important thing is, everyone else is doing awesome, plus, the story had a great beginning (the first 3 episodes at least).
Episode 1 is basically an introduction and nothing much happened. I think the flashback beginning suits the series really well, because it gives the audience anticipation, of what the story will brew into...

Moses' ringtone in episode 1: "Your mum wants you! Your dad wants you! Your granny wants you! Your grandpa wants you! Your kid wants you..." So funny...

In episode 2, you get to see the "4 beauties". All 4 of them are so pretty, it's making me a little jealous. ><

Fala Chen- youthful, lively
Linda Chung- She's the good girl type, perfect girlfriend material
Leanne Li (is that her name)- model material totally
Yoyo Mung- She gave me the deepest impression. I think Yoyo has a lot of character and charisma in this series especially
Episode 3 is by far the most interesting episode out of the 3 I have watched. The whole vacation incident is a little 'warm-up' for more problems the Tong family is going to face. Who is the one to blame? Here is my little analysis...
1) Lee Sze Kei

Blame her? Of course not! She is the most forgiving and understanding wife
2) Susanna Kwan

Blame her? Many people will say yes. She has some amount of jealousy hiding deep under her heart, and it is slowly oozing out. You cannot imagine what will become of it one day. I can see where all the jealousy and uncontentment is coming from, so I'm not going to hate her (for now). But just be contented with what you have will make everything a lot simpler. But as you know, this series is called 'Heart Of Greed'....

3) Ha Yue. Blame him? I would say yes. Blame him for lying to his big wife in the first place, blame him for being so insensitive to Susanna Kwan, it really made her mad...

4) Moses Chan. Blame him? Yes, for being so stupid...

5) The other kids. Blame them? Yes. They are neither loyal to their father or their mother, only want to get their benefits. But it's okay, they'll all grow up...
Conclusion: Who is to blame? Everyone is to blame? or no one is to blame...
Moral of the story: A man should never marry 2 wives.
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