Title: 忘记伤害 (Forget The Pain)
Series: Golden Faith (Sub-theme) Survivor’s Law (Main theme)
Sung by: Raymond Lam
當 這感覺未發生 不知道你光臨 我大概還可繼續散心
無奈我的心 不經意著了燈 為得不到的吸引 令我不糾纏亦不忍
當 他手放在你身 才想到我是好友永遠沒權利去傷感
#忘記受過傷害 施捨最假的愛 也會令我肯相信這段感情避不開
忘記如何忍耐但期待一夜之間醒過來 我和你便已如戀人熱愛#
想 想一世待你好 不需要有出路 那是我唯一快樂
其實期望未算高 不擁抱便跌倒 付出的都不苦惱 被愛的當然未知道
好 即使我未夠好 連哭一聲都不配你便提示我怎做
Most Raymond fans should have noticed this by now, but in case any one hasn’t, the theme song of Survivor’s Law everyone knows about, has actually been used as a sub theme in GOLDEN FAITH, which was an earlier series. o.O
When I first heard “Forget The Pain” in Golden Faith, in one of the Oscar/Kiko scenes, I was already pretty attracted, even though at that time, I wasn’t a Raymond fan YET. It did occur to me that the song might be sung by Raymond, and I thought if it was, then Raymond must have a really professional voice! But soon after, I forgot all about that song, because in Golden Faith, you only get to here about 2 lines of it. That was so stingy of the producers!
It was until I watched Survivor’s Law, the very first time I heard the theme song, I KNEW it was the same song played in Golden Faith. That made me really excited, and loving both series even more. I was glad that I could finally know how the WHOLE song sounds like, and proud to know that Raymond hit the ending high note so well. ~.~ I finally concluded that this was an awesome song. You might hate TVB for being cheap and re-using the song like this, but I can easily forgive TVB because this song was totally UNDERPLAYED in Golden Faith!
Anyways… this song is a significant one for me, because it ‘converted’ me into an ‘official fan’ of Raymond’s singing (though and after finishing the series, I became a TOTAL Raymond fan, hehe). This was a wonderful song, one of the best songs Raymond has ever sung. I just wished the sound quality would be a little better… L
There is also a little piano instrumental of this song in Survivor’s Law, usually featured in the more emotional moments. I like it! I can play it! J
So… which love chemistry was your favourite? Ben+ Ling Ling or Oscar+ Kiko? Looking at the lyrics of the song, mmm, I guess it can fit into either one well. So I’ll leave this for you to decide. Lastly, go RAYMOND! Let’s hope to hear more of such great songs from him in the future!
Download here:
Extra: Sammul Chan singing Raymond’s song Live. It sounds really muffled, but Sammul’s voice is really not bad at all! In fact, I love it!
yeah...raymond has a great voice! usually i would have liked ray and tav more...but...this time I would pick Ben + Ling cuz they were so cute in SL =D
Regret not watching this series -SL earlier. Prefer Ben & Lingling
definitely Ben + Lingling la
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