Episode 3 screenies here! Many interesting things happened in this episode. So, we have more pictures (:

Raymond looks so cute with the ladies!

The cutest smile ever

I just thought Nancy looks pretty like this

Aww I just love the way Raymond saves Tavia.
Lousy translation: A beauty emerging from the waters indeed (this is quite a famous phrase in chinese, and in this case, the 'water' is the medicine tub >.<). Unfortunately, she looks all clumsy and messed up. Aww I just love the way Raymond talks
Tavia: What are you doing here?
Raymond: What do you think?
Tavia screams, Raymond laughs. Lol this scene is so funny!

The sum-mor kills by letting the victim see what he/she is the most afraid of, causing your heart to beat really fast, burst and die. *yuck* Every victim has their dark story, only Tavia. The thing she is the most afraid of is none other than the MOUSE. Haha that is such an anti-climax. When Tavia said that, every one looked so serious, only Raymond burst out laughing. That is so funny...
Raymond: You didn't die because you are innocent, so innocent that you are totally stupid. That's why sum-mor couldn't do anything to you.

Tavia's expression is so cute!

Anne makes her first 'beauty' appearance. She is John Chiang's wife, Nancy's stepmother, AND...

Frankie knows her. They have a past together?
Anyone around? My comment box has been kinda quiet :p Hus enjoying FTF like me? (((:
couldnt even enjoy it...didnt watch it yet...but the screencaps looks really interesting! =D
Hehe watch it soon! This series is very interesting. Besides Raymond, the whole story is interesting as well
Oh Yes! Enjoying the series very much. Looking forward to each episode.
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