Title: Face To Fate (布衣神像)
Starring: Frankie Lam, Raymond Lam, Tavia Yeung, Selina Lee, Anne Heung, John Chiang
Number of Episodes: 30
Producer: Koon Wing Chung (Placebo Cure, War Of In Laws)
Release Date: 23rd August 2006
Themesong sung by: Raymond Lam
Ending themesong sung by: Frankie Lam and Tavia Yeung
What is this series about?
The 黑道(unorthodox) versus the 白道(orthodox), the battle between many clans, sects etc etc. That makes the Wuxia part of the series. There is also a little 'philosophical' part of the series. Basically Frankie is a fortune teller, who can somewhat predict the future. But he believes in 'knowing fate' and not 'accepting fate'. That explains the english title of the series. So the underlying question: Is it fate? Or is it human choice? Yeap, philosophy elements, in and ancient series. That is really cool, and also why I am so interested in this series (Raymond is still the main reason, hehe)
What else do I know?
-Frankie pairs with Tavia and Anne, but Anne is already a married woman
-Raymond’s character is a doctor with a weird temper (reminds me of Lu Miao Zi in TOB, really cool!). He also has a strange disease, causing him to age really fast, and all his hair to turn white in one night (poor Raymond!).
- Raymond pairs with Selena
- Nancy Wu pairs with Derek Kwok
Why do I want to watch this?
1) Raymond and his cool white hair is the number one reason. His character looks really interesting, and a little eccentric. Can't wait to see him!
2) The whole fortune teller concept is very cool
3) The parts of the cast I like (besides Raymond duh): Tavia Yeung, Nancy Wu, Derek Kwok
4) The whole look of this series is very new, refreshing
What am I afraid of?
I hope the storyline will not disappoint, I have a strong feeling it wouldn't anyway. ~.~ Even though it is already half-warehoused. ((: Ms Selena Lee. I don't think she is a bad actress, but I just hope to see some improvements, and some good chemistry with our beloved Raymond. (:
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