The Brink Of Law (thoughts):
TBOL is an awesome series I definitely recommend. But I am really ashamed to say that I did not finish the series. Basically this is how it works. My family rented the discs. Everytime you rent a series, you can keep it for 3 weeks. However, during those 3 weeks, I was so busy that I could only watch the series up to episode 14. After that, we had to return the discs. It is okay, I will finish up this series, some day...
Currently watching?
LITCOL and APCOM on satellite TV. Yes. I am lagging. BADLY. But I realised TV is the best and most reliable means of connecting me and TVB.
What is up!
HEART OF GREED. It looks awesome. I'll probably not watch it until my june holidays come. But still, I'm going to promote this series a little.
What do I look forward to the most?
Heart of Greed is a grand production. Looking at the whole cast, if i list out everything there is to look forward to, this post will never end. So, I'll HIGHLIGHT what I think is the best part of HOG...
1) Susanna Kwan. Do you realise, in all the trailers, you hear her voice at least 50% of the time? Watching the trailer, listening to the themesong, I know that she is going to be one person who stands out the most in the entire series.
2) Raymond Lam+Linda Chung. Let's talk about Raymond first. From a guest star to a supporting character to a major supporting character (Raymond's face actually appears before Bosco in the themevideo, even though Bosco was suppose to play the leading character), these changes happen for a reason--- Ray's performance stand out too much. ^-^ His character sounds really interesting, I still can't figure out whether he is good or bad. Now let's talk about Linda Chung. I don't like her in forensic heroes. That was the last series I saw her in. But looking at the themevideo, her improvements look promising. Plus, Linda looks STUNNING in HOG. Stunning, seriously stunning. Lastly, let's talk about Raymond+Linda. Their scenes look awesomely sweet. They really look like the perfect fit. The best parts of the themevideo are all their parts. I can't wait to watch their love story, hear their duet. Please do not disappoint me.

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