It has been 1 year and 5 months since my last review. As life becomes busier, my passion for tvb series remains. But the number of tvb series I complete each year is getting fewer and fewer...
The Story:
Tong Shap Yat (Kevin Cheng) was once a champion in Muay Thai. He won all his matches, and was gaining money and fame fast. Unfortunately, in one freak accident, the blows of his fist killed his opponent. Kevin was sent to jail for 7 years, and was tormented with guilt throughout his sentence. When he was released, his wife (Kate Tsui) has already passed away, leaving their 7 year old son. Kevin vowed never to box again and to spend all his time and effort to raise his son well.
Kevin works as a security guard in a sportsware firm, where he met his enemy-become-friend But Ka Shing (Raymond Wong) Raymond is a lazy bum with no plan for his future. One day, he picked up Thai Boxing and fell in love with it. His enthusiasm reignited Kevin's long hidden passion and he became Raymond's personal teacher.
Kevin also meets Ting Yan Tze (Nancy Wu), a deaf and mute girl, with the same passion for boxing. She became Kevin's second student. Kevin does everything he can to help them succeed to become a good sportsman, and good person.
Meanwhile, Kevin gets to know Chai Pak Fai (Selena Lee). Kevin, Selena and Edwin Siu engage in a tormenting love triangle. Raymond meets 'Ball Ball' (Natalie Tong), the daughter of Kevin's teacher. They fall in love very fast, got married fast, and even had a daughter. Raymond was forced to mature and become a responsible man who wants the best for his family. Unfortunately, his quick success made him too ambitious, and arrogant...
Love factors
Kevin Cheng
Kevin is the only reason to finish this series with an average story. It seemed like to producers wrote the story to make Kevin shine like a hero, and he did. From his character, appearance, to his performance, you will love everything about Kevin in this series.
From the start, he is a tough, quiet guy with a tragic past. Soon, you will see his warm side, and be touched by his passion for boxing, his love for his son and his determination to be a good teacher. The only downside is that he does not handle his relationships very well, but that matches his personality. The producers were not very kind to Kevin's character and made both his relationships end in a sad way. But you will love the way Kevin loves and cries for a girl. For all Kevin fans, this is a series you will love.
Nancy Wu
For a second love factor, I cannot think of anyone other than Nancy Wu's 'Ah Ting'. Nancy does not look very pretty and this series, but she matches her role, and her character is lovely. Nancy plays a handicapped girl from a very poor background, and sought shelter in Kevin's boxing gym. She is hardworking, honest, and easily contented. Towards the end, Nancy also develops a crush on Kevin, her teacher. But she is willing to hide it in her quiet little world, and direct her passion to boxing.
Dislike factor (spoilers)
Raymond Wong
Raymond is a great actor who puts in lots of tears and sweat for his role. But this is just not the character you will enjoy the most. He was too irresponsible at the start, too arrogant towards the end, and too impulsive throughout the series. Also, he became 'bad' pretty fast, and immediately after losing his match against Kevin, he became 'good' again in one split second. ??!? Maybe time was a bit short... Anyway, the producers make Raymond's character go through so many ups and downs, and then decided to end it in a tragic way, by killing his wife. What can I say...
Power Chan
Power was a humble guy at the start. It is then revealed how unhappy and jealous he is because he thinks people think nothing of him. He then does many stupid and hurtful things which I cannot keep track of, including causing the death of Natalie.
Katy Kung
From the moment she appears, you know this is not a good character. And true enough, she was evil from start to end, inside out. I don't know why the producers want to create a crazy slutty villain like this. She is so man-hungry and sadistic that it is slightly disturbing. I also don't understand why Raymond could fall for this kind of girl. And strange enough, after a car accident, she turns over a new leaf. You must be kidding me...
Pity factor (more spoilers)
Edwin Siu
I liked Edwin from the moment he appeared. He is a true gentleman, with a good temper, and very devoted love for Selena. I felt Edwin and Selena are the true good match, in terms of everything. Unfortunately, life is never easy, and the producers want Selena to fall for Kevin, suddenly, deeply and madly. Edwin did nothing wrong, but his life is tragic. The girl he loves never loves him the same way, their marriage is less than happy, he gets into a car accident and becomes paralysed, and he finally commits suicide because he can no longer bear the pain...
Natalie Tong
Like Raymond says, 'Ball Ball' is a simple girl. When she marries someone, she means it for life. Her husband cheats on her, but she is willing to forgive him, and died indirectly because of him. Her death came to me as quite a surprise, because she is a funny character you don't expect to die. Poor Raymond, has spend the rest of his life alone!
The Lame factors (new)
I did not have this section in my previous reviews. I created this section specially for this series, because there were some parts of the series that was really lame and I have to point out. Well, this is TVB. But still, there is always room for improvement
Natalie's death
She was having a quarrel with Power Chan, Power pushes her away, she falls and hits her head on the corner of a rusty metal bar, and she dies in a split second. In the end, her death was an accident, that seems quite difficult to happen in real life.
Selena's disease
After the whole struggle with her failed marriage and Edwin's death was over, Selena goes to Switzerland for a 'holiday'. A few months later, she comes back with a really weird amnesia disease, that makes her forget things , and the people around her. Maybe without the disease, Kevin will never have confessed his love to Selena. But the disease felt quite out of place.
How come factor
Kate Tsui's death
How did Kevin's first wife die? I've been wondering for the longest time but it was never explained.
Selena's disease
What sort of disease is that? She still appears very healthy and well and beautiful even when she has forgotten everything...
The deja vous factor
The love story between Selena and Kevin really reminded me alot of Tavia and Alex Fong in 'The Building Blocks of Life'. Both the guy and girl truly love each other, but one person is already attached, and the third person did nothing wrong to deserve a break up. After all the struggle, when they can finally be together, the female gets some kind of disease. For Tavia, it was understandable, because she had an accident. For Selena, her disease felt really out of place. The only explanation I can think of is that her whole struggle with Edwin really caused her too much stress , and her brain was slowly getting damaged.
Towards the end, there is even more similarity. Selena tells a lie to Kevin and leaves him for a year/indefinitely, like how Tavia left Alex. Kevin then finds out the truth through a video, like how Alex did. They both watch the video, and shed tears from their heart. Cheesy as it is, my heart ached for both Kevin and Alex.
The ending scene was almost identical. Kevin meets Selena at the church where they got married. Selena appears, and does not recognise Kevin...
After all the deja vous I felt, I checked it up a bit. And realised both Gloves Come Off and Building Blocks of Life are produced by the same producer. Does that explain the similarity?
In summary
Gloves Come Off is not a spectacular series, but good enough for killing time. If you are a fan of the cast above, it will be worth your time, especially for all Kevin fans. I personally do not know anything about Thai Boxing, but the way the portray the sport seems pretty real. Worth watching?- I did not regret watching this series, but be prepared to fast forward some scenes from the second half of the series. :)
Friday, September 07, 2012
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